This year is strange enough to write a book about the life at Marriott Naperville Apiary. It started off with a mild
winter, not a lot of snow and we had a beautiful spring. The summer was a
relatively mild one compared to the 100 degree weather we had this time last
I’ve had one swarm happen early one Thursday morning, then we found one on property
seven days later that ended up not one of my hives, but came from somewhere
else. Needless to say they have kept us on our toes and we’re keeping a pretty
close eye on them now. All of our hives are working pretty hard and have
produced around 100 pounds or so of honey thus far. The goal now is to keep
them happy and working to create more honey before we decide to go for
extraction. We will leave about 50 pounds of honey in each hive for them to
feed on in winter time 2013 and 2014.
Chef Sean Patrick Curry